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Function and advantages of tundish spraying machine in steelmaking process

Release Time:2024-08-27
In the steelmaking industry, it is crucial to maintain high production efficiency while managing costs and ensuring quality. Tundish spraying machines have become important equipment for steel smelting.

Application of tundish spraying machine
1. Tundish protection

The main purpose of the tundish spraying machine is to spray refractory coating on the tundish lining. The funnel is crucial in the steelmaking process. The container transports molten steel from the furnace to the mold. The tundish is exposed to extreme temperatures and aggressive chemical environments during this process. The refractory coating protects the lining of the tundish from thermal shock and chemical erosion, which helps to extend the service life of the tundish spraying system.
automatic tundish spraying machine

2. Automatic spraying

The automatic tundish spraying machine is designed for automatic spraying of refractory materials. The machine uses PLC control to evenly apply the refractory coating on the lining of the tundish. This automation reduces dependence on manual labor and minimizes human errors.

3. Customization

Tundish coating spraying equipment can be customized, including drive (electric, pneumatic, diesel), output (3m3/h, 5m3/h, 7m3/h, 9m3/h or larger), color, etc. This flexibility allows steelmakers to use the equipment on different production lines, making it a versatile solution for different steelmaking needs.
tundish coating spraying equipment

Advantages of tundish spraying machine
1. Improved Production Efficiency

One of the most significant advantages of tundish spraying machines is their impact on production efficiency. By automating the refractory coating process, these machines reduce the time required for manual application and minimize downtime between steelmaking batches. This makes the production process more streamlined and production volume increased.

2. Improved Steel Quality

The consistency of refractory coating is essential to maintaining the quality of the steel produced. The tundish spraying system provides precise control of the spraying process to ensure that the coating is uniform and meets quality standards. This consistency contributes to better steel quality and reduces the risk of defects.

3. Cost Reduction

Automated spraying ensures precise application of refractory materials, reduces waste, and optimizes material use. The automatic tundish spraying machine is easy to maintain and comes with wearing parts, which will reduce the frequency of expensive replacement and maintenance.
tundish spraying system

4. Enhanced safety

The manual spraying process exposes operators to hazardous environments, including high temperatures and dust. The tundish spraying machine improves workplace safety by minimizing direct human interaction with these hazards. The automated system reduces the risk of accidents and injuries associated with manual operations.

5. Environmental benefits

The tundish spraying machine contributes to environmental sustainability by optimizing the use of refractory materials and reducing waste. Efficient material application minimizes environmental impact and promotes a cleaner production process.
tundish spraying machine manufacturers

The tundish spraying machine plays a vital role in improving steelmaking efficiency by providing consistent, high-quality refractory coatings. As a tundish spraying machine manufacturer, if you would like to discuss further with our engineers, please visit or contact us at
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